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By age 11, the arthrosis and navicular disease in Daurus’ front legs were so severe that no treatment seemed to offer any relief. Owner Cindy started the year 2020 assuming that she would have to say goodbye to him – until a friend brought BackSound® to her attention. “Although the treatment was still relatively new, I felt like I had to give it a chance. I had Daurus treated at the end of February 2020.” 

Daurus went through a normal revalidation period, and as is expected, he experienced a small relapse after a month. “That was difficult to witness. But the situation improved again, and after about 3 months of rest he was ready to move freely in the pasture in June, and I could ride him again”, Cindy explains.

When she got the green light to ride again, Cindy could hardly believe that Daurus experienced no pain while being loaded. But slowly, she noticed that Daurus was definitely feeling better: “Daurus enjoys everything we do and loves heading out with us. We now ride about four times a week, from outside walks to dressage. I cannot thank the EquiSound team enough.”
